@ IBSM, we have a simple motto: "We Specialize in YOUR Success!"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

One Small Improvement per day...EMAIL

One small improvement.....kaizen.

Vocabulary word of the day: K A I Z E N [I pronounce 'Kye-Zin' ]
Kaizen - when you translate the words KAI -"change" and ZEN "good",,, you end up with "improvement". This method became famous by the book of Masaaki Imai, "Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success."

Today, I am going to focus on an email concept.

Here are the ABC's of an email.

A= Action Summary
Make the first line of your email include the specific ACTION, key point, or PURPOSE of your email.

Don't make the recipient read through 2 or 3 paragraphs and then have to ascertain what the purpose of the email is.

B - Background
This is the body of the email. Don't let this become a wall of words. [Personally, this is an area where I have failed miserably at times.] Think about what the background is,,, and try to be as concise as possible.

  • Try to use BULLET POINTS to assist your reader.
If you have any attachments, explain their purpose in this area.

C- Close Section
Any chit chat that you absolutely MUST include,,,goes HERE as opposed to the beginning, before the MAIN PURPOSE of the email.

..but the Key Element of the Close Section:
Define the NEXT PURPOSE, or NEXT ACTION that you feel is required.
Use your signature that is appropriate for this email.

*Note to readers-followers-surfers: This less than $10 book is excellent! It was given to me by my cousins husband, Michael, and has to provide me with lots of valuable, simple, quick ideas and concepts.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Want Health? Take ACTION

When you feel lethargic; or find yourself laying on the couch or in bed, watching the stupid tube, and you begin to feel bad about your lazy ass self,,,, and REALLY would prefer to have different "SELF THOUGHTS"..... then I have the solution for you.

Take Action.
Nike says: "JUST DO IT!"

And that IS the solution.
FORCE yourself to roll off the bed or couch, onto the ground,,,,and do a PUSHUP.......if you can NOT do a REAL ONE,,, then get on your knee's and do what someone termed a "girl" pushup.
Do as many as you can, right then....1 , 2, 3, until it is a real strain,,, and EVEN when you are straining,, try to HOLD that strain as long as you can.....[it is building muscle].....

OK,, you want more?

After a minute of resting,,, DON'T climb back into the postion on the couch,,,, REPEAT your action step,,, doing as many pushups as you can.....

Rest,,,,,,45 seconds to a minute and a half,, and repeat..... AS MANY AS YOU CAN.

Then rollover on your back like a puppy,,, and do some flutter kicks with your legs straight,,, hav your heels about 2-3" off the ground, and alternate raising each leg up about 12-14" off the ground..... give it a minute... 60 seconds..... rest a minute and max yourself out.

OK... in less than five minutes,,, you have TAKEN ACTION and now you feel better about yourself... your HEART is healthier as the energy exerted gave your system a nice workout....and you can even do these few things during commercials..... build on it.

Hey,, just uncovered a "TIP" to lose weight,, and guess what it costs? Zilch. Nada. $ 0.00 . Nuttin! Click here to check it out.

Thanks for checking out this bbb [blog by bruce---hmm... just came up with that little acronym].

Remember to enjoy the moments, because as a wise Jamaican man told me in 1993,,,,
"LIFE's TOO SHORT...........no matter when you die!"

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

IBSM We Specialize in Your Success!


July 9, 2009
A new beginning.
Of course, every DAY is a new beginning.

TODAY's TIP is regarding GOALS.
What is the #1 thing that if you accomplished it today,,, would make you feel it had been a great day?

Then do it.
Whatever it takes.

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If you are interested in basketball, I'd love to converse with you. You can find lots of nuggets of basketball wisdom and ask questions here.

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