Multi Tasking Your Way to A.D.D.
One of the misnomers of the modern era.
Stephen Covey called it misnomer.
It has been proven that our minds, powerful as they are, can only focus on ONE piece of data at a time.
Today the average college student or corporate worker considers themselves a “multitasker”. It’s not unusual to meet people in their 20s who are working, going to school, starting their own company, married, raising kids and enjoying hobbies. They end up with a huge list of things that fracture their attention. This isn’t wrong in any way-for the most part it’s admirable-but there is an old saying: to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
To a chronic multitasker, everything is a task. Soon, the things in life that are really important to them are in the same list as everything else, and the only tasks that get done are the ones that have become urgent, but often aren’t very important.